Monday, November 24, 2008

Sunday 23 November - Devotions/Bible Study: The King is coming to Judge

The King is coming to Judge (Matthew 25:31-46)

It is a fact that we will be judged for both what we have done wrong and for the good we have not done. We are also judged for the good things we have done and for those bad things we have not done. Does the above sound logical? It appears whatever happens we are judged. Judgement comes whether we have done right or wrong. We are judged by what we have done and not done, period. This means that our lives are under a microscopic scrutiny whether we like it or not. There is no where to hide. It should not surprise us to find out that so many people whom we had written off because they were not Christians like ourselves finding their way to heaven. We are not ruling out the part of faith in our Christian journey.

What shall we do then? Christ went about doing good. He gave no opportunity to idle talk or behaviour. He was a no nonsense person who always looked for opportunities to be of service to the community. If only we get several of these people who look for spaces to fill in, then we are near accomplishing the task - to be imitators of Christ. When we do good to all then we are likely to be judged positivesly. The opposite is true.

The international Elders in the persons of Gracia Machel, Jimmy Carter and Koffi Anan had the desire to come and see for themselves and also convince the world of the agency of the Zimbabwean humanitarian crisis. They were led by their passion to assist. Instead they are denied entry. (This has been widely reported in the international press). They are stopped to help the unbearable situation. Here are people who want to help, who are going about doing good. Those who deny them space will be judged. They stopped people who are eager to help. The Elders need to be encouraged not to give up. The good Lord has already heard their cry to want to help. Their efforts are not in vain. The Lord who even knows what our hearts desire before we even ask for what we want has already answered their prayers for Zimbabwe.

As individuals, let us seek opportunities to help. As we help other people we do that to the Lord. As we deny helpers to come and help we deny the Lord opportunity to help. Who are we to block God? Woe to those who suppress their people by denying them voluntary help. Never associate with the righteous. They are hypocrites. Our leaders say they are protecting us by denying us help just because they claim we are a sovereign nation. They need to be informed in time before they can accept help. This is criminal and evil to say the least. Do not tire to do good. The more you do good to others, the more favorably you will be judged. Let us all aim to do good, whatever it is that can make life different for the suffering is recorded to your favor. God bless.

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