Monday, January 5, 2009

Bible Study - Flight to Egypt

Flight to Egypt (Jeremiah 31:15-17; Matthew 2:13-23)

Recently I listened to a comment on TV which made reference to Afro-Americans having played a pivotal role at each critical moment in American history. The election of Barak Obama as the president elect of America was mentioned in the debate as one of those happenings in American history where a Black person rescues the nation from its ills. Obama comes in as the first non white American leaders since America came into being. Dr Martin Luther King rescued America from the web of racism and human rights abuse in the 1960s. His ‘I have a Dream’ speech is seen as a landmark event which has ushered in change in America. There are many instances which Americans can point to since slavery period which prove that blacks in America have played a major role in critical events in the history of America.

Africa has played host to many a missionary during the missionary era. David Livingstone, Stanley, are some of the great explorers who found out that the weather in Africa was favorable to those Europeans who had ailments which were exacerbated by the cold weather in Europe. A number of people were recommended to go to Africa so that they can be relieved of their ailments. Others came and after becoming well they returned home. A number came and lived in Africa until they died and were buried there.

Before all the above developments God made history when he advised Joseph the father of Jesus to take refuge with Mary and the Baby Jesus in Africa because Herod planned to kill Him. Africa has played critical roles in the history of humanity right from creation. There is a strong belief that humanity started in Africa. Civilization also started in Africa. Africa is the cradle of history despite the fact that little attention has been given to this reality.

It was in Africa that the Israelites were taken into slavery for a long time. When Pharaoh finally agreed to free the Israelites they were encouraged to take all their belongings including their dogs etc. The other nations that took part in slavery later never learnt from the African example. The slaves of other nations (eg in the West and the East) continued to be slaves long after official slavery. Africa had set an example. Freed slaves have to be free indeed. Yes Africans followed their slaves but learnt a bitter lesson when they were drowned by the floods. The good lesson learnt from Africa was that once they freed their slaves they let them go with their belongings.

Christ’s life was saved by going down to Africa (Egypt). If Africa was to be given space a lot could be learnt from their capacity to forgive even their colonizers etc. In spite of the well reported chaos in Africa hordes and hordes of tourists come to Africa to have a peace of mind. Many rich people have invaded Cape Town and have made homes there for retirement. It’s not only Cape Town, the whole of Africa is searched after by those who want peace, even when the surrounds will be chaotic. A flight to Egypt is necessary in one’s life. This is where life began and will probably end in peace. This is good news from Africa. God bless.

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